Wednesday, August 17, 2011




The versatility of the computer lies in its ability to perform a set of
instructions repeatedly.  This involves repeating  some portion of
the program either a specified number of times or until a particular
condition  is  being  satisfied.  This  repetitive  operation is done
through a loop control instruction.

There are three methods by way of which we can repeat a part of a
program. They are:

(a)  Using a for statement
(b)  Using a while statement
(c)  Using a do-while statement

 The while Loop

It is often the case in programming that you want to do something
a fixed number of times.The while  loop  is  ideally  suited for  such cases.

The general form of while is as shown below:

initialise loop counter ;
while ( test loop counter using a condition )
  do this ;
  and this ;
 increment loop counter ;

here is example:-
 int   i = 1 ;
 while ( i <= 10 )
 printf ("%d\n", i ) ;
 i = i + 1 ;

 The for Loop

 The for allows us to specify three things about a loop in a single line: 

(a)  Setting a loop counter to an initial value.
(b)  Testing the loop counter to determine whether its value has
reached the number of repetitions desired.
(c)Increasing the value of loop counter each time the program
segment within the loop has been executed.

The general form of for statement is as under:

for ( initialise  counter ; test  counter ; increment  counter )
do this ;
and this ;
and this ; 

The do-while Loop

The do-while loop looks like this:

 this ;
 and this ;
 and this ;
 and this ;
} while ( this condition is true ) ;

This means  that  do-while  would execute its statements at least
once, even if the condition fails for the first time. The while, on
the other hand will not execute its statements if the condition fails
for the first time. do while  test condition at the end whereas
while test condition at the start.

Multiple Initialisations in the for Loop
The initialisation expression of the for loop can contain more than
one statement separated by a comma.
For example,
 for ( i = 1, j = 2 ; j <= 10 ; j++ )

Multiple statements can also be used in the incrementation
expression of for loop.However, only one expression is allowed
in the test expression.

Nesting of Loops
The way if statements can be nested, similarly whiles and fors can
also be nested.

The Odd Loop

/* Execution of a loop an unknown number of times */
main( )
 char  another ;
 int  num ;
  printf ( "Enter a number " ) ;
  scanf ( "%d", &num ) ;
  printf ( "square of %d is %d", num, num * num ) ;
  printf ( "\nWant to enter another number y/n " ) ;
  scanf ( " %c", &another ) ;
 } while ( another == 'y' ) ;

/* odd loop using a for loop */
main( )
 char  another = 'y' ;
 int  num ;
 for ( ; another == 'y' ; )
  printf ( "Enter a number " ) ;
  scanf ( "%d", &num ) ;
  printf ( "square of %d is %d", num, num * num ) ;
  printf ( "\nWant to enter another number y/n " ) ;
  scanf ( " %c", &another ) ;

/* odd loop using a while loop */
main( )
 char  another = 'y' ;
 int  num ;

 while ( another == 'y' )
  printf ( "Enter a number " ) ;
  scanf ( "%d", &num ) ;
  printf ( "square of %d is %d", num, num * num ) ;
  printf ( "\nWant to enter another number y/n " ) ;
  scanf ( " %c", &another ) ;

The break Statement 
When  break  is encountered inside any loop, control automatically passes to the
first statement after the loop. A break is usually associated with an
The keyword  break, breaks the control only from the  while  in
which it is placed.

The continue Statement

When  continue  is encountered inside any loop,
control automatically passes to the beginning of the loop.
A  continue  is usually associated with an  if.

Decisions Using switch

The control statement that allows us  to make a decision from the
number of choices is called a switch, or more correctly a switch-
case-default, since these three keywords go together to make up
the control statement. They most often appear as follows:

switch ( integer expression )
  case constant 1 :
  do this ;
  case constant 2 :
  do this ;
  case constant 3 :
  do this ;
 default :
  do this ;  

The integer  expression following the keyword  switch is any C
expression that will yield an integer value. It could be an integer
constant like 1, 2 or 3, or an expression that evaluates to an
integer. The keyword case is followed by an integer or a character
constant. Each constant in each case must be different from all the
others. The “do this” lines in the above form of  switch represent
any valid C statement.

What happens when we run a program containing a switch? First,
the integer expression following the keyword switch is evaluated.
The value it gives is then matched, one by one, against the
constant values that follow the case statements. When a match is
found, the program executes the statements following that  case,
and all subsequent  case and  default statements as well. If no
match is found with any of the  case statements, only the
statements following the  default are executed.

The goto Keyword
the general form of goto is:
goto label;


Avoid goto keyword! They make a C programmer’s life miserable.
There is seldom a legitimate reason for using goto, and its use is
one of the reasons that programs become unreliable, unreadable,
and hard to debug. And yet many programmers find  goto
In a difficult programming situation it seems so easy to use a goto
to take the control where you want. However, almost always, there
is a more elegant way of writing the same program using  if,  for,
while and switch. These constructs are far more logical and easy
to understand.

A function is a self-contained block of statements that perform  a
coherent task of some kind. Every C program can be thought of as
a collection of these functions.

the general form of the function is
return-type function_name(type varname1,type varname2,..............,type varnameN)
body of the function

return type specifies the type of data that the function returns.
example of return type are int,float,double,void,char

Note on return type:-
if you specified void
then function return nothing.
if you specified int
then function return integer value

if you specified float
then function return float value
if you specified char
then function return char value
and so on like this.
that which specified it return that value.

Passing Values between Functions

/* Sending and receiving values between functions */ 
main( )
 int  a, b, c, sum ;

 printf ( "\nEnter any three numbers " ) ;
 scanf ( "%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c ) ;

 sum = calsum ( a, b, c ) ;
 printf ( "\nSum = %d", sum ) ;

calsum ( x, y, z )
int  x, y, z ;
 int  d ;

 d = x + y + z ;
 return ( d ) ;

And here is the output...

Enter any three numbers 1 2 3
Sum = 6

the values of a, b and  c are passed on to the function  calsum( ),
by making a call to the function calsum( ) and mentioning a, b and c
in the parentheses:

sum = calsum ( a, b, c ) ;

In the  calsum( ) function these values get collected in three
variables x, y and z:
calsum ( x, y, z )
int  x, y, z ;

The variables  a,  b and  c are called ‘actual arguments’,
whereas the variables  x,  y and  z are called ‘formal
arguments’. Any number of arguments can be passed to a
function being called. However, the type, order and number of
the actual and formal arguments must always be same.

There are two methods of declaring the formal arguments.

The one that we have used in our program is known as
Kernighan and Ritchie (or just K & R) method. 
calsum ( x, y, z )
int  x, y, z ;

Another method is,
calsum ( int  x, int  y, int  z )
This method is called ANSI method and is more commonly
used these days.

Return statement

The return statement serves two purposes:
(1)  On executing the  return statement it immediately
transfers the control back to the calling program.
(2)  It returns the value present in the parentheses after
return, to th3e calling program. In the above program
the value of sum of three numbers is being returned.

There is no restriction on the number of  return statements
that may be present in a function. Also, the return statement
need not always be present at the end of the called function.

The following program illustrates these facts.
fun( )

 char  ch ; 

 printf ( "\nEnter any alphabet " ) ;
 scanf ( "%c", &ch ) ; 

 if ( ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 )
  return ( ch ) ;
  return ( ch + 32 ) ;

In this function different  return statements will be executed
depending on whether ch is capital or not.
Whenever the control returns from a function some value is
definitely returned. If a meaningful value is returned then it
should be accepted in the calling program by equating the
called function to some variable. For example,
sum = calsum ( a, b, c ) ;

All the following are valid return statements.
return ( a ) ;
return ( 23 ) ;
return ( 12.34 ) ;
return ;

Scope Rule of Functions
 by default the scope of a variable is local to the
function in which it is defined.



Array is a collection of same type elements under the same variable identifier referenced by index number. Arrays are widely used within programming for different purposes such as sorting, searching and etc. Arrays allow you to store a group of data of a single type.  Arrays are efficient and useful for performing operations . You can use them to store a set of high scores in a video game, a 2 dimensional map layout, or store the coordinates of a multi-dimensional matrix for linear algebra calculations.

Arrays are of two types single dimension array and multi-dimension array.  Each of these array type can be of either static array or dynamic array. Static arrays have their sizes declared from the start and the size cannot be changed after declaration. Dynamic arrays that allow you to dynamically change their size at runtime, but they require more advanced techniques such as pointers and memory allocation. 

It helps to visualize an array as a spreadsheet. A single dimension array is represented be a single column, whereas a multiple dimensional array would span out n columns by n rows.

single dimensional array
 Arrays can be declared using any of the data types available in C. Array size must be declared using constant value before initialization.  A single dimensional array will be useful for simple grouping of data that is relatively small in size

datatype array_name[size_of_array]; . 
example are
int x[4];
float z[5];
char c[6];

Note: In C language the end of string is marked by the null character '\0'. Hence to store a group of 3 possible string data. the array as char ch[4]; This applies for char type array.

 Array can be initialized in two ways, initializing on declaration or initialized by assignment.

 initializing on declaration
 If you know the values you want in the array at declaration time, you can initialize an array as follows:
 datatype array_name[size]={element1,element2,....,elementN};

initialized by assignment

Multidimensional arrays
Arrays can have more than one dimension. Two dimensional arrays are widely used for tables, neural networks and etc. You can have as many dimensions as you would like but you have to consider the complexity of the code as you add new dimension. Multidimensional arrays allow you to store data in a spreadsheet or matrix like format.

 To declare a multidimensional array:
datatype array_name[size_of_first_dimension][size_of_second_dimension] ...

int i[3][3];

To access elements in a multidimensional array, all you have to do is provide a combination of index values for each dimension to reach the desired element, just like a bunch of cells in a spreadsheet or coordinates in a n dimensional matrix or graph.

array_name[index1][index2] ... [indexM];

Setting values in a multidimensional array is just as simple as in a basic array, you need to add another index per dimension.
 array_name[index1][index2] ... [indexM] = value;


An Introduction to Pointers 

A Pointer is a variable that holds memory address
.this address is the location of another object.

Pointer Operators:-
there are two special operator * and &.
The unary or monadic operator & gives the ``address of a variable''.
The indirection or dereference operator * gives the ``contents of an
object pointed to by a pointer''.


Datatype *variable_name;

int *i,**j

here i is pointer to integer.j is pointer to pointer to integer.j is double pointer.

float *i;
here i is pointer to float;

consider statement
int *ptr,*p,a=56;
as you see in figure the value of a is stored at memory address 5000.

to access its address value.
ptr hold the memory address of a.

it will print 5000


it will print 56

pointer can be assign to another pointer

pointer arithmetic

We can basically add and subtract pointer variables.
 If p1 and p2 are pointers to same data type then
p1- p2, p1+p2 , p1++ , p2-- , --p1 , p1+3 (multiplication, division not allowed)
p1<=p2, p1==p2 etc               (and other relational operations)

assume integer are two bytes long.
it wll point to next integer.
it wll point to previos integer.

it will point to 5th element of ptr.

to assign annother value to a structure through ptr
we use arrow operator.(<-)

it will print 57


This program demonstrates two fundamental aspects of structures:

(a)  declaration of a structure
(b)  accessing of structure elements

The general form of a structure declaration statement is
given below: 

struct <structure name>
 structure element 1 ;
 structure element 2 ;
 structure element 3 ;

} ;

Once the new structure data type has been defined one or more
variables can be declared to be of that type. For example the

struct book

 char  name ;
 float  price ;
 int  pages ;
} ;

struct book  b1, b2, *b3 ;

struct book
 char  name ;
 float  price ;
 int  pages ;
} b1, b2, *b3 ;
or even...

 char  name ;
 float  price ;
 int  pages ;
} b1, b2, *b3 ;

struct book  b1 = { "x", 13 } ;
struct book  b2 = { "x", 31 } ;

Accessing Structure Elements

They use a dot (.) operator. So to refer to  pages
of the structure defined in our sample program
we have to use,


b3 a pointer to a structure
C provides an operator ->, called an arrow operator
to refer to the structure elements.

printf ( "\n%s ", b3->name) ;


#define SIZE 100

int main(void)
int a[SIZE];
int i,j,n;
scanf("%d", &n);

for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

printf("\nTHE GIVEN ARRAY IS : ");
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

  large(a, n);

display(int f)
printf("\n\n%d", f);

large(int w[], int x)
int i,j;
for(i = 0 ; i < x ; i++)
if(w[i] < w[i+1])
 j = i+1;
printf("\n\nTHE LARGEST VALUE IN ARRAY IS\n%s%d", " ", w[j]);
printf("\n\nTHE SECOND LARGEST VALUE IN ARRAY IS\n%s%d", " ", w[j]);



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